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7 Unicorn Drive (ANG jezik)

The adventure od Iza and Samo Login

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Avtor: Dani Polajnar
Založba: Login5 Aphrodite Limited
Leto izida: 2021
ISBN: 9789925773138
Slovenski prevod romana, Iza in samorog, bo izšel konec maja. SLOVENSKI OPIS: Poslovni roman Iza in Samorog popelje bralca skozi šprinterski vzpon tehnološkega podjetja, ustanovljenega v Sloveniji in prodanega kitajskim investitorjem za 1 milijardo dolarjev. To ni povprečna poslovna pravljica. Napisano po resnični zgodbi Sama in Ize Login, prvega poročenega para na svetu, ki je dosegel to raven uspeha.Med platnicami boste našli:- MISELNOST ONKRAJ PROFITA, ki je za ustanovitelje samoroškega podjetja pomenila ključno prednost na poti do 5 milijard prenosov njihovih aplikacij. Kljub temu, da na začetku niso vedeli niti, kaj točno bodo sploh prodajali.- ŠČEPEC DUHOVNEGA. Ta zgodba o uspehu je bila manifestirana vnaprej. Ustanovitelji so si zadali (pre)drzno visoke cilje in jih na koncu presegli za 10-krat. Trajalo je točno toliko dolgo, kot so načrtovali—7 let, skoraj do dneva.- FLASHLIGHT MODEL na preprost način kot gradnike svetilke predstavi vse sestavne dele katerekoli organizacije, ki deluje na “samoroški” način. V bitki preverjeno neprebojen model za vzpostavitev močne kulture podjetja. Pisano samo v angleščini.Trda vezava, 17,5 x 30 cm, 300 strani.
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An IT startup established in tiny Slovenia sold to consortium of Chinese investors. Not your everyday fairy tale. 7 Unicorn Drive by Dani Polajnar tells the unusual story of Iza and Samo Login, the first married couple in the world to sell their company for one billion dollars and reach this level of accomplishment in business, creating a true “unicorn” in only 7 years.

It is a tale of business interwoven with a guide to different ways of thinking and leading, with an element of spirituality and a strong responsibility to oneself and to others. Only seven years after establishing the mobile app company and after five billion downloads, their investment bankers were confused. Why now, when the company is in its best shape ever? “If we do not sell now,” they replied, “then greed wins.“ 
Like all great fairy tales, there are important morals we can learn from them, both in our personal lives, and in business and management. But unlike most fairy tales, this one is a true story. This unicorn is real.

"The most important thing I have learned about decisions is to always use common sense: if it does not make sense, then it is wrong – all things must be simple." - Samo Login, Login5 Foundation



“Unlike most millionaires who become philanthropists, the vision and commitment were first for Samo and Iza Login. Their business success and fortune came next in pursuit of their shared goal to tackle the most pressing challenge facing humanity – climate change. This dynamic and fascinating read takes us on the real adventure of a remarkable team, full of the excitement of discovery and success, wisdom about leadership, and above all – a sense of purpose. The book will appeal to a broad audience: from those drawn to tech stories to those interested in environmental and food sustainability, public and planetary health.”
- Michelle A. Williams, ScD, Dean of the Faculty, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

“For existing and potential entrepreneurs; this book is a must read this year. It lays bare the secrets and strategies behind converting an idea into a mega successful business. From developing the idea, to daring to dream the impossible, to building a winning team, to leading on purpose, to negotiating the $1bn sale – the ‘how to’ of every detail are written within the covers. If you want to ’own you sh#t” and develop the next blockbuster idea; this is the book for you.”
- Kevin Kelly - Internationally Acclaimed Motivational Speaker and Best Selling Author

“Reading 7 UNICORN DRIVE was as exhilarating as the day I spent with the electric team In Ljubljana. With their “we are one”, purpose driven spirit, and “everything is possible” belief, this team is the embodiment of a quantum company, led by its true quantum leader founders, Samo and Iza Login. Readers won’t be able to forget the story, nor put down this book that lets us share their breathless fun and creativity until finishing it.” - Danah Zohar, Author of THE QUANTUM LEADER

MORE ABOUT THE LOGIN FAMILY: https://www.login5.org/login-story/

Hard cover, 17,5 x 30 cm, 300 pages.


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