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Sacred Plants in Folk Medicine and Rituals

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Avtor: Vlasta Mlakar
Založba: Samozaložba
Leto izida: 2021
ISBN: 9798612190561
The book is a compendium of traditional knowledge and beliefs about the world of plants, and the widespread usage of that knowledge in the culture and lives of Slovenian people. In many aspects, this knowledge is common to all Central European traditions. The book gives an insight into a thousand-year-old treasury of our ancestors’ knowledge about the use of plants for medicinal and ritual purposes, always linked with beliefs about the supernatural world, which allowed humans to channel their spiritual, social and material perception of the world and the individual in it. Plants are multi-purpose companions of humans, providing them with everything they need for life.
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Redna cena: 29,99 €
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By highlighting different usages of plants, the author presents this rich cultural heritage, the wisdom of our ancestors and their industriousness, their perception of the world and natural occurrences, developed from a deep understanding and intimate connection with the natural environment. Our ancestors were guardians of sacred knowledge, derived from a perfect harmony between the natural and cosmic orders. 

They worshipped the holy mountains, healing water springs, holy forests and trees, plants and animals, rocks on the ground, as well as planets and stars in the sky. This ancient knowledge and wisdom about leading a life in harmony with Nature was preserved and transferred from generation to generation. People regularly performed different ritual offerings and other acts of gratitude to give back to Nature what it had so generously bestowed on them.

Mehka vezava, 14 x 21,5 cm, 188 strani.


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