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The Slovenia Restaurants: TOP 140 restaurants

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Avtor: Več avtorjev
Založba: IQbator
Leto izida: 2017
ISBN: 9789619404638
THE Slovenia Restaurants book features the very best in Slovenian dining, chefs and restaurants. We revealed the very best restaurants all over Slovenia in comprehensive guide to the best regional and national restaurants in Slovenia.THE Slovenia Restaurants book predstavlja najboljše iz slovenske kuhinje sodobnih kuharskih šefov in restavracij. V celovitem vodiču smo za vas pripravili izbor najboljših regionalnih in nacionalnih restavracij Slovenije.
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Spletna cena: 13,49 €
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98 % izdaj je na zalogi.

Spisek najboljših slovenskih restavracij in gostiln, v angleščini in slovenščini, je prvenstveno namenjen tujim obiskovalcem Slovenije, prav pa bo prišel tudi Slovencem, ki jim primanjkujejo ideje za gurmanske vikend izlete.

Vsakoletni dvojezični vodič po slovenskih restavracijah nastaja na osnovi izbora The Slovenia Restaurant Awards, v katerem sodelujejo strokovnjaki, chefi, foodieji, dobrojedci in širša javnost. Osnovni spisek restavracij sestavi posebna strokovna komisija, v drugem krogu ta spisek prečisti posebna Akademija, v kateri so chefi in foodieji, nazadnje pa o najboljših glasuje preko spletne strani še širša javnost.

Dokončni spisek najboljših po petih regijah je vključen v vodič THE Slovenia Restaurants Book, v katerem je 140 najboljših slovenskih restavracij in gostiln.

Mehka vezava, 15 x 15 cm, 96 strani.


In the past months, we worked together with the expert commission, the Chefs & Foodies Academy and all of you, so we could select the best restaurants in Slovenia. We have prepared a selection and a comprehensive guide to the best restaurants in Slovenia for 2017.

All 140 restaurants, for which we can proudly say that is the best that Slovenia offers, are presented in the book, which also offers ideas for business lunches, snacks on a Saturday trip, or dinners on a special occasions - in both Slovene and English.

Paper back, 15 x 15 cm, 96 strani.


Slovenia is divided into five regions: North, South, East, West and Ljubljana with central Slovenia, and all together 140 restaurants were selected across Slovenia. The book is bilingual, in Slovenian and English, as we wanted the doors of the best Slovenian restaurants to be open to as wide an audience as possible. In each section, the regional winner is presented first, with the finalists following in the alphabetical order, and you can also find other culinary highlights such as the best Slovenian dishes, top winemakers, interviews with members of the commission and the winner of the TSRA selection, as well as an interview with Ana Roš, the World's Best Female Chef for 2017.


The Slovenia Restaurant Awards project was divided into three phases: first, a shortlist of the best restaurants was prepared by an expert commission composed of Helena Cvikl (Director of the School for Catering and Tourism in Maribor), Mira Šemić(wine connoisseur, famed sommelier and world traveller), Dr Janez Bogataj (Dr Bogataj is Slovenia's most recognised ethnologist, author of countless books, and driving force behind numerous culinary projects), Dr Aleš Gačnik (Head of the Department of Cultural Tourism and Cultural Heritage at the University of Primorska), and Yuri Barron (Managing Editor at In Your Pocket and The Slovenia Publishing).

The expert commission assessed the restaurants according to carefully prepared criteria, but the main guideline is only one; this was not the price of food, the size of the restaurant or the availability of the site, but overall satisfaction with visiting the restaurant. The list of the top restaurants was narrowed down by the Chefs & Foodies Academy, and then finally voted on by the public.


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